Monday 14 April 2008

A deep hatred develops

Monty Don. The grinning TV expert. When he plants things into beautifully prepared soil - all grins and grins and grins. I wonder how many minions he has working all hours to get the soil being so nice. And weed free. Hate hate hate hate!

Our garden soil is heavy - riddled with ground ivy and bracken and dog rose. And it hasn't been dug for years.

Monty bloody grinning twat Don.


Liz said...

Wow! Have you been talking to my boyfriend Jo? This anti Monty rant sounds exactly like the kind of thing he would say... No doubt you will also appreciate said boyfriend's fond name for Mr Don - Conker Head. Use it as you will.

The Speaking Goat said...

I wrote it in the middle of breaking ground that had nurtured roses and ground elder for over five years. It had been a very wet spring and the soil was HEAVY. Monty's OK really! But Conker Head is a good name!