Monday 5 May 2008


What a day - not a cloud in the sky, the merest hint of a breeze... - any Changeworkers in the office today should get down to Portabelly and have yourself a barbecue NOW - Teresa wont mind (much).

And look what I found as I sat having my early morning cuppa. Note the clover leaf for scale.

We saw our daughter briefly this morning. She left around noon on Saturday for a sleepover and has phoned from time to time to tell us she's not coming home yet. She's away to the beach now.

I'm still working on the foundation for the sea container - it's hot work in this weather and some of it involves chipping out bedrock - which means I have to wear my eye protectors which are yellow and this reminds me of Ged who always used to cycle in yellow shades and this reminds me of the greatest bike shop on earth..... with the greatest strap line ever - The revolution will not be motorised

Medieval jousting tournament
Pah Pah Prrrahhh! Truuuuuump-be-pump! Etc. The house resounds to these ancient sounds. I think it's the high fibre diet.


Petra said...

What IS this thing? Do yo have lizzards that far north??

The Speaking Goat said...

Ah Petra - hello!
It's a newt - an amphibian - it's very young and probably a common newt, though you might get the rarer great crested newt up here. I think you might get lizards here - I've seen them a bit further south and west of here.

Still enjoying your blog hugely - fascinated by all those cultural culinary influences...faaaab.