Tuesday 20 May 2008

Beer for breakfast

It's nice to have a friend. And delightful when they pop round for breakfast. My new friend is a giant bucket of Wort. I've called him Wort to reflect my dazzling creativity.

Things just weren't warming up in the house, so I decided to have Wort share my breakfast experience. It was a late breakfast - I had to wait until I'd been to the shop to buy some milk. In fact it was more like elevenses having had an apple, a pear and a banana for breakfast, elevenses was coffee with toast (homemade wholewheat bread) with co-op value marmalade and homemade apricot jam.
I think Wort enjoyed the outing.

The temperature reached the giddy heights of 16.2C before it clouded over and the wind picked up forcing me to have to hump Wort back inside (where's it's now a balmy 13.2C - technically warm enough for Wort to work - but slowly).

With searing self awareness I now realise that I need to keep my relationship with Wort under control. I cannot lug him around every time I detect it might be marginally warmer over there, over here, just there etc. My obsession for his welfare would ultimately be destructive, he'll go sour on me.

But Wort it at a delicate stage in his life. Until his yeasts get going he is vulnerable to all sorts of nasty diseases. Of course it is true that if I hug him for a couple of hours he'll warm to a perfect working temperature, and taking him to bed with me would probably have a similar effect. But sometimes, painful as it might be, you just have to let go.

13.5C. Getting better. Come on Wort! You can do it.

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