Thursday 28 August 2008

Jussi on YouTube!

I can't claim it's interesting - but this is the sort of stuff Jussi used to do before she became a goat-keeper. Jussi is in the left hand top corner and is the other one speaking.

The vet has been yielding more antibiotics and generally ensuring he gets good returns from his share options with various pharmaceutical companies. Bonnie is minutely better - but still very ill.


Anonymous said...

Couldn't she do both?

Jussi said...

why would I?

Jussi said...

Sorry - that sounds a bit snappy. I used to do this kind of stuff for work - this one is about developing support tools for virtual meetings held in Second Life. Helping people to display real-world pictures etc to discuss, maintaining agendas... I did that kind of stuff for a long time.

I don't do that anymore because I work at goats and cheese now, and that's plenty for the moment. Doing stuff with Second Life every now and then would be fun, I guess, but I can't afford the graphics kit you need for that anymore