Wednesday 6 August 2008

G+3 A bit of a routine

So it's a bit early to claim we have a fully embedded routine - but here is the outline, written especially for all those on the 07:38 Dunbar to Edinburgh commuter tin. This photo diary was compiled by Ailsa - who has an interesting idea of what is photogenic.

Jussi's alarm goes at 6 - minutes before our second alarm which is a cockerel alarm clock banished to the bathroom but we can still hear it. Jussi and Ailsa get up and go off to feed and water the goats. I stay in bed.

Around 7 they return all hungry and worker-looking and I toddle down and force a cup of tea into me while they wolf their breakfasts.

Around 8 we all go up to do the "milking". As you see above it's not really milking at the moment but we are getting something akin to milk which is thrown away. Then we get the older goats into the same house as the goatlings and release them to the fields - they are invariably reluctant to go to the fields so there is a fair amount of coaxing and cajoling which would no doubt cripple an experienced farmer with mirth.

Then there's always a few odd jobs to do - Ailsa tidies, this morning Jussi and I re-arranged some hurdles, and usually I walk the perimeter of the electric fence to check all is OK - but I forgot about this this morning.

Around 9 we return to the cottage - Jussi makes a heavenly coffee and we settle to check emails etc. Ailsa whines a lot and gets to watch the telly for a while. Sometime around 9:30 Jussi will exclaim "Where the feck are the builders"

Later Jussi will go up to make something - this morning it's fitting feeding racks for the new goats coming tomorrow, and I will settle to do some of the consultancy work I've got at the moment. That's about as far as the routine goes - though something similar is shaping up in the evening.

I might miss Lennie's bacon rolls, but this beats the shit out of commuting and sitting in an office all day long. I mean hands down.

1 comment:

Jussi said...

When Simon says "Ailsa tidies", what he really means is that she gets the pens ready for the goats to come in again in the evening. She makes sure all the pooh and wee is covered with nice clean straw, and makes their beds all comfy, clean, dry and warm. She is very thorough and I haven't had to lift a finger for mucking out or anything like that. You can tell - I'm very proud of my croft girl. She's a proper help.