Monday 25 August 2008

The best chips in Christendom

We very rarely eat out - it's a cost thing - but we are always glad to when visitors offer us a meal out in return for hospitality. Before we moved here we'd eaten at the Farr Bay Inn , and marvelled at the quality of their chips, and I remember returning to Dunbar and raving about them. But it could have been a flash in the pan, as it were, so the chance for lunch at the FBI was grasped with glee. We never cook chips - so it's always a bit special having them anyway. But the chips on Saturday surpassed wildest imaginings - - superb!

Chip lovers should note that the FBI is for sale. So if you want to experience this delight you'd better get up here quick - it's one of the owners who cooks, so once it's sold you've had it.

Gorgeous chips and gorgeous weather and a few pints sitting in the sun after a swim in the sea with excellent company and the kids off clambering somewhere - what more is there to life. I mean really?

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