Tuesday 12 August 2008

Cheese ahoy

Sorry this was eaten before piccies could be taken. But Jussi used the first lots of milk to make a curd cheese (like cream cheese only crumblier cos it's not had cream added, apparently). She made 6 flavours - garlic, garlic and herb, plain, black pepper, paprika and herb. And very fab they were too.

We had it for lunch yesterday, on sourdough, and tea, on baked potatoes. Tonight we'll probably be having it with corn on the cob, or with chard and pasta.

Yesterdays milk is currently becoming yoghurt. So I need to think of imaginative ways of eating lots of yoghurt. (Hanging up-side-down with feet tied to the rafters perhaps? Too kinky probably).

This morning Bonnie kicked over her milking bucket and all that beautiful milk was wasted. This put Jussi in a bad mood - but I'm quietly relieved cos it's one less goat milk product to worry about how to cook. But that's very bad of me.

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