Monday 12 January 2009

In praise of gaman

There's a general disdain towards, and a failure to understand  people who withstand hardship 'unnecessarily'.

I don't seek out hardship, but when it comes I'm not afraid of it and I will quite often enjoy it.  A couple of examples: here and here.  That last one - see the comment from Daniel - "is it worth it?".  I couldn't understand that - there was such pleasure in what I was doing.

But I've discovered a name for my attitude to hardship (erm - often anyway).  Here is an excellent post from an American in Japan.


Jussi said...

An excellent post indeed. I think coping happily with hardship has something quite liberating - the fear of what hardship might do to you just goes away!

Anonymous said...

Ooh want one of those table-with-quilt things. Maybe attached to our Rayburn?

The Speaking Goat said...

You wont need one disgruntled, you'll be permanently warm from all the cycling, digging (and nettle tea!)