Saturday 3 January 2009

Sunrise 09:06, sunset 15:37

Jussi mentioned yesterday that she's really appreciating the lighter mornings - but given the very slight progress we've had on that front I suspect it's more to do with the clear skies.

And clear skies = frosts.

The water freezes in the stables quite often - inconvenient but not a huge problem - there's a water supply in the house. But when that water freezes, Jussi has to come all the way down to the cottage and then lug the water up the hill - and that is a real drag. (I'd help, but usually I'm asleep, or cooking).

And then this week it thawed a bit and the house filled with water - burst pipes. Fortunately it was only a pipe leading up to the header tank - easily isolated - but it made a bit of a mess.

The blog has been a bit neglected - cos I'm working. Deadline is Monday and I need to get on with it now. Work finishes, school starts. Ach well.

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