Monday 5 January 2009


OK - so the consultancy work is done - not quite dusted - I've sent off draft reports and they may need tweeking. Ailsa is back to school - and now I feel like I need a break! But at least I should be able to find time to blog a bit more.

The lady I previously reported as having a fall is now in Wick hospital with complications. "As well as can be expected" is the latest useless report we've had. She had been in the Raigmore in Inverness and was very unhappy about the transfer to Wick. Why? Its phone number is 60 50 50 - which apparently sums up yer chances of getting out of there alive.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like the old Mayday Hospital in Croydon. Aparently all the locals call it 'May-die'.

Lulu Stader said...

Wick couldn't possibly be any worse than the Raigmore, it's such a dirty dump. I have it down as a potential reason against getting old(er) in the Highlands...

The Speaking Goat said...

Oh dear I fear a discussion about the state of NHS ....

Still I like May die - doesn't quite work in a Hull accent though