Tuesday 21 April 2009

Morning routine

Sunrise 05:49 (dawn 02:32), sunset 20:43 (dusk 00:03).
Jussi rises at 5:30, breakfasts and brings me a cuppatea at 6 and heads up to the croft. 20 minutes later I head up and mix up the milk for the kids. The main change in routine is that now, as I go through the 'milking parlour' I don't find Jussi there in tears of frustration as another goat refuses to behave on the milking stand.

This milking machine has changed our lives. Goats milk better. Jussi smiles.

I'll try to get a piccy of this machine in use - but frankly at 6 in the morning my mind is (or rather isn't) on other things.

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