Tuesday 21 April 2009


And in the middle of all that we learnt that our application for shares on the common had come through. After only 18 months of hassling various people too. Amazing.

We've not actually had the official letter yet but we should soon and it should say that we have shares in three grazings:

Common One: Is 1245 hectares (3000 acres). Our 2 and 7/8 share equates to a souming of 23 sheep (or goats or five and three quarter cattle).

Common Two: Is smaller, but we have one share equivalent to a souming of 9 sheep.

Common Three: 1877 hectares (4600 acres), 1 1/2 shares giving a souming of 31 sheep + 6 cattle.

Being optimists, we're hoping that the letter will go someway towards explaining what all this means.

1 comment:

Lulu Stader said...

Congratulations, that's really good news! And thanks for all the blogging, Simon, delighted to read your updates.

Could you maybe email me the two kid pics? They don't seem to go 'big' if I click on them.

'nocandn', a mumbled excuse