Tuesday 21 April 2009

Do fence me in. Please.

So thus equipped with new toy, Malcolm and I set about stopping those sheep from getting in once and for all. Daniel and I had patched up bits - but the whole thing needed re-doing and so armed with all kind of manly looking kit, Malc (he who knacks Nissens) set about demonstrating our rural skills.

It was a great few days work - made possible by the dry weather we've been getting - the fence stretches across a bog (aka the loch).

We didn't know what we were doing and discovered we often had the wrong tools - usually at the other end of the fence as it happens. But, despite staring at a radisseur for an entire afternoon, we got the job done - and not at all bad for a first ever fence.

It's not easy making a fence look photogenic - unless it's in front of a prison camp or something - but here are some piccies for you to marvel at our impressive skills.
Also featured is our not yet patented rylock strainer attachment - it works too.

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