Wednesday 2 July 2008

sunrise 04:14, sunset 22:25

Hold on tight! My readership is falling off. This is because I am neglecting the blog.

There's lots of reasons for this - but mainly it's because I'm trying to focus on a big piece of work I'm doing for Changeworks. I delude myself that if I don't blog I'll get more work done. So far it's not quite working that way but I still have high hopes. Another reason for the lack of blogging is a crisis of confidence over what the blog is - is it a public diary, a social commentary, inane and perhaps amusing ramblings - or what?

Anyway, Jussi and Ailsa are away in Hamburg leaving me here 'to get more work done' - ah that old chestnut again.

Sporting Heroes
The weather is glorious, I'm watching Wimbledon for the first time in decades - and thoroughly enjoying it - and wondering if I'll speak to anyone today. Yesterday human contact came in the form of a delivery driver.

I'm amused by the fuss over Andy Murray's remarks about not supporting England. For any English readers please be assured that a Scot who supports any English sporting endeavour is a very rare thing. It's in their blood. It's not so much that they like to see England lose (well sometimes maybe) it's just more that they prefer to see the other team win.

I had a similar problem during the football over that last couple of weeks. Obviously I was supposed to want Germany to win. But as hard as I tried I always found a reason to want their opponents to win. Many English people will understand that - they just need to take those feelings and transpose them to Scotland and they might understand Andy Murray's comments.


Petra said...

Sorry, but I'm not getting it - why were you supposed to want Germany to win?

and btw, am also going through a blog-identity-crisis over here, so bad I can't even be bothered to blog about it. Your blog, however, is actually interesting/socially relevant/fun and has people (like me, just as an example) checking in pretty much every day to see if there are any new posts, and leave mightily disappointed if there aren't. Not sure if that's enough prodding to help you locate that misplaced motivation, but hey, people love your blog, that's got to count for something... Maybe part of it is just the novelty wearing off and you getting used to your new life and less thrilled about every little detail of it? (just wait till the goats arrive, that'll give you sth. new to write about...hehe). Anyway, hope you keep blogging!

The Speaking Goat said...

Gosh! Thanks Pedi.

Jussi is German - which is why she's off to Hamburg with Ailsa - and Jussi tends to get a bit upset when I cheer at a, let's be hypothetical here and imagine a, for example, Spanish goal.

Tee hee.