Friday 11 July 2008


The trip to Inverness went well - though I seem to have got a bit of Ness's revenge (a bit like Montezuma). The van now has a tow bar - what a proud moment - if only Jussi hadn't taken the Camera to Hamburg I could fill the blog with stunning tow bar piccies.

Tomorrow I go to Edinburgh, then on to Hull then Durham returning late July. And there's so much to do today. The place is a tip.

I'll not be blogging for a couple of weeks - but there's a lot happening while I'm away and I've invited Jussi to keep you up to date with the grand arrival of GOATS! Can't promise she will - she'll be busy like. And she'll be panicking like something that panics a lot and is really funny but I can't think anything just now.

I'll leave you with this little thought provoking thought from Tom Waits who's currently trying to shake the cottage down curtesy of a very loud iPod - (one of the very great joys of living no where near anyone):

When you hear sweet syncopation
And the music softly moans
T'aint no sin
to take off your skin
and dance around in your bones.

1 comment:

Petra said...

No blogging for TWO WEEKS???? That's a tough one to swallow... Is there no computer access in Hull or Durham? Could you possibly have anything better to do? Hope Jussi will step in and report on the goats - can' wait! Plus I think Ailsa's might be an interesting perspective to add to this blog...