Saturday 26 July 2008


We've had a good crop of visitors this week - Struan and Grannie Denise from Dunbar and Wick on Thursday, a neighbour last night to help with a grant application and Rowanne and family from Dunbar today. And a good smattering of trades people getting things moving on the croft for good measure. And the weather has been perfect - hot and sunny with a warm warm breeze. In fact today it is too hot to be outside just now so I'm in hiding until late afternoon when I'm hoping we'll all go off to the beach and get some of that North Sea swimming experience.

Hopefully the weather will stay tomorrow when we are expecting one of the people who have offered us goats to visit. They want to assess our set-up to make sure the goats are coming to a good home. Fingers crossed for that one - although there is still the spectre of the outbreak of goaty TB to scunner these plans.

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