Wednesday 29 July 2009

White sand van man

Malcolm and Helen are here. We've learnt by now that whenever they stay we have to work. They're not content with sight seeing or soaking up the Highland ambience - they want to get things done. Jussi has grasped this opportunity and got Malcolm to work on the lean-to project which has been wallowing in the mud since the chaos around the arrival of the kids. So with new building projects come the need for more materials, including sand. And because so many of you were so excited at my description of how to use a tree to get a bag of sand out of a van - here is the video.

The technique was less successful this time, mainly because Malcolm got a bit excited and started shouting 'Whoa!' which I took to mean stop, but wasn't or didn't.

Meanwhile Helen has nearly finished building a run for the guinea pigs and the kids (I mean children of course) have painted themselves (shurely shome mishtake?).

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