Wednesday 22 July 2009

Bronze leg

Time was when I'd put mile after mile behind me as I cycled up dun and down glen, often in the company of this fine chap who has just embarked upon a blogging journey. I expect lots of his posts will be about cycling, though his inaugural address isn't. I recommended wordpress to him because it seemed that wordpress blogs look like they have more bits to them them blogspot ones. Though somehow he's managed to create the most basic blog in the universe ever. Go visit - we bloggers need encouragement you know.


townmouse said...

you can't put as many bells and whistles on a Wordpress blog as a blogger one because it won't let you put on javascript. But I think it's easier to end up with a cleaner looking design, possibly as a result.

hibeebiker said...

Thanks for the support, Simon. I'll try and work out how to remove moderation when I've some time (you'll remember that thing that Edinburgh workers run out of). Cheers, Ged.