Wednesday 22 July 2009

Black leg

It is surprisingly difficult to use the web to identify what's up. For instance, google image "me spuds leaves are gannin yella like man" turns up this bizarre little gem.

But eventually, using harvest wizard (link in side-bar) I narrowed down the options and was able to get enough info to confirm the diagnosis at RHS site (very useful but difficult to navigate). Black leg - imported into gardens through infected seed potatoes (grrrr) and 'cured' by rapid removal before it spreads.

Meanwhile, a lot of my brassicas seem to have lost the will to live. I understand this sentiment, such as when Jussi returns from milking the goats to say "There's sheep in field.".
But I'm surprised brassicas are so sensitive. And there's lots of flowers in the fields - like this one that I almost managed to get a piccy of before the camera batteries also lost the will to live.


townmouse said...

yup, I've got blackleg too (to be clear, that's on my potatoes, my own legs are lily white as befits a Scottish summer). There seems to be a lot of it about. So far, the potatoes underneath seem to be all right, so I'm just harvesting as they fall, and trying to keep up with the resulting potato mountain. Anyone got any good potato recipes?

SR said...

the flower, it's sneezewort.