Thursday 16 July 2009

Dead or Alive

I'm back! Me and Ailsa (with Ailsa highlights in brackets, mainly to confuse), we've been to Hull (the rays) and Scunthorpe (the squirrels) and Malton (the water slide) and Howden (the birds) and Newcastle (the ice age) and Durham (the quill pen)and now we're back - and fantastic it is to be back too. We survived the travel and most especially the geezer sat across the way from us between Edinburgh and Inverness who sang, discussed and argued with himself all the way. It started off being mildly amusing: - but not after four hours. But it was quite funny - he had 10 minutes of duetting with himself waiting for the trolley car to return so he could get more sugar for his coffee:

'I'm waiting for the buffet car for my sugar yeah yeah yeah'

When it arrived he got his sugar and a sandwich - and for the next half hour he had a new song:
'Oh man I need some seasoning yeah yeah. I can't taste no bread, I can't taste no egg, I can't taste no watercress no no no, I need some seasoning - I need salt SALT yeah yeah, I need sugar SUGAR yeah yeah, I need brown sauce, tomato sauce carribean sauce yeah yeah I need seasoning {Spoken} but salt and sugar is bad for you man {sang} but I can't taste my food no no no, I need salt yeah yeah yeah....' etc.

Amusing for a whle, but not for very long.

And Jussi (and Rebecca) have kept the garden good and have sold most of the kid meat. Kids seem to be worth more dead than alive.

And for now, the weather is glorious, and it is good to be back.


Rebecca said...

Glad the weeding was up to scratch, guv. And given it included one large lettuce, roots and all, which is even now sitting in water being plucked at will it was certainly worth it (much better than yon bagged stuff). And chard is suprisingly tasty.

But that sounds like faint praise - the culinary highpoint was a lunch of homemade goats cheese, on homemade toasted bread accompanied by homemade rhubard and ginger jam (OK sauce, but it completely delicious) and freshly picked salad, accompanied by fabulous homemade pate (there was some shop bought salmon too but at least it originated in Shetland). Overwhelmed as I was by such a cornucupia, it was all perfection! And that's before I even mention the devilled goat's kidneys (probably for the best, before I start drooling over the keyboard).

And very glad to hear you had good time down south and got back safely, before the veg goes completely wild without you. Fruit trees are looking good too.

Nick said...

Hull? Scunthorpe? You do choose the strangest places to go to. But you seem to have escaped more or less alive anyway; that's lucky!

The Speaking Goat said...

Rebecca! - brilliant comment - I think you should become a guest contributor to the blog waxing like that.
And Nick - don't knock 'em - Hull is the only place in the universe you can get a truly decent fish supper - and in Scunthorpe I saw the best veg patches ever..

Rebecca said...

Ithankyew. Just 'cos I said nice things about your pate!