Sunday 29 March 2009

Clock shock, orphans and the feminine side

Yesterday the kids were taken off their mothers. This means that they are now bottle fed. There are two reasons for subjecting ourselves to this ordeal - firstly it makes the kids more human friendly when they grow up and secondly it gives us chance to get the milking goats used to being milked while the volume of milk production is on the up.

But it has radically altered our routine. Currently milking 7 goats, 4 of whom have never been milked before is taking nigh on two hours. Then the kids have to be bottle fed - this takes over an hour or more - and we've discovered why its a good idea to bottle feed kids colostrum. Those that were have taken to the bottle well. The rest are reluctant drinkers. Hopefully they'll come round but right now its patience straining stuff and takes a long time. I've no idea if making soothing cooing noises helps - but soothing cooing noises seem to be an involuntary response I have to bottle feeding kid goats.

Our routine this morning was: Jussi got up at 5am, breakfasted and went up to milk the experienced milkers. I got up at 6, had a cup of tea and lit the fire and went up to help milk the inexperienced ones (this also calls for soothing cooing sounds). Ailsa got up around 8 and came up to help bottle feed the kids. At 9 I came down for a cup of tea and breakfast (and to re-light the fire) - mainly because I was starting to bite Ailsa's head off for no particular reason. By 10:30 all the feeding and watering and haying was done and Ailsa came down for breakfast. Jussi had finished bottle washing etc by 11 and came down for coffee. At around 12:30 we'll all head up to bottle feed the kids again.

At five we'll go up to milk the goats again and feed the kids. At sometime after 9pm we'll go up and feed the kids again.

This regime began yesterday - but milking and feeding started around 5 and didn't finish until around 8. Things like child care are being a bit neglected - Ailsa is a goat orphan (like a rock 'n' roll widow only much much more cool ) even cooler than this). Just as well she is on holiday for the next two weeks.

And then Jussi will get up at 5 in the morning and it'll all start again.

But what's this? The *U*K*N* CLOCKS HAVE LEAPT FORWARD!! *U*K ME!!!!!


Jussi said...

But the goats don't know about the clock changing yet - we're hoping to keep it a secret for a wee while.

townmouse said...

That's what I was going to say. If you don't have to be anywhere important (er, school?), just make a gradual change...

I'm sure Ailsa's teachers will understand

The Speaking Goat said...

askgb asdfhi asd asd[iha a f[dsgihg askdjd gh*

But it's scrambled me brain