Monday 23 March 2009


Some random stats to entertain me. It's cold and horrid outside and this kept me warm and inside for a bit.

These might be of interest to other bloggers and to Tadg.

I'm sorry the links haven't carried across into the .pdf. But actually what they show is that hits aren't content driven - hits are driven by other people making references to you.


Anonymous said...

Happy bloggiversary Simon :-)

where does time go? I'm just over the year of this blogging carry on, mine peaked at a staggering 2495 in one day on the 19th Jan after the Raasay house fire. Needless to say it's nothing like that now but it certainly doubled my monthly traffic since then. I certainly know what you mean about bizarre search engine referrals, I've had some belters.

Keep up the good work, Paul

The Speaking Goat said...

Cheers Paul,

A fine example of content driving visitors there I think.