Saturday 22 November 2008

Morning chores

Jussi gets up at 6 in the morning. I don't. Jussi will be taking Muppet back to Aberdeenshire soon - not this weekend - the weather is too bad for travelling. I have to learn the ins and outs of the feeding routine so I can do this for her while she's away. So I was up this morning.

We'd had a fair bit of snow overnight. At 6am, with a slivver of a moon high overhead, it was all whitish greys and blacks and really rather splendid. And windy. The dusty snow giving a good impersonation of sand blasting me delicate wee cheeks.

As I got up to the croft my glasses flew off. So there I was in the dark grovelling around in the snow trying to find my glasses. Jussi and Ailsa helped, lantern in hand, but it was hopelessly dark and the strong wind meant they could be miles away.
After 'helping' to feed the goats I headed back to find a spare pair I've had for years and never worn. A reward for wanton consumerism past methinks. Ailsa says my 'new' glasses are funny - kinda mad scientist like she thinks.

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