Friday 7 November 2008


The cheese making continues albeit at a much lower volume as Bonnie dries off and the winter sets in. But this week Jussi opened a ripened Camembert type cheese she made a few weeks ago. Now that is proper high cheese man. All runny and creamy and goaty and scrum.

Meanwhile there's a herby fresh cheese we'd put aside to give to the manure lady - but we never got round to it. Jussi claims it's matured into a stunning example of the cheese makers art. So far I'm a tad too squeamish to eat a fresh cheese that aint fresh no more - it's my microbiological training don't you know. Still, Jussi appears to be in good health so I may try some for lunch - after I've polished off the remains of the rather spectacular leek potato and parsnip soup I rustled up yesterday.

Sorry - this is supposed to be about cheese. Yesterday was less successful. Judging by the language I think Jussi was trying to make blue cheese.

Blue Tongue is a disease that doesn't affect us in these parts - but apparently we have to vaccinate against it anyway. This may be another impact of climate change. As the climate warms the vectors of the disease are spreading northwards. Should I send the vet bill to George W?

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