Wednesday 26 May 2010

Hale new neighbours - Hail!

Last night we had a crashing hail storm - turned the garden white for a while, so it did.

And as I sit here thinking that it's time that I stopped idly dropping in on other people's blogs and do something useful I am being hailed by the hale new neighbours - six calves*. I haven't seen them yet but they're noisy enough. I know there's six because their owner dropped by to warn us they were coming, and by-the-way have you seen the ghost?

Eh!?! We've been here two years and only now does someone bother to tell us that this cottage is supposedly haunted. If I'd known we had a ghost I'd have seen it of course, and blogged it extensively. Opportunities missed eh? The ghost seems to relate to the fact that many years ago a man lived and built coffins here. The woman who came to see us had fond memories of getting into trouble for playing with the brass fittings when she was a kid. I suppose there's a link there somewhere - maybe there's a poor soul with a splinter up its wotsit or missing a brass handle.

I'm just haunted by the need to do some work.

*I'm not sure a calf can be hale really, but I liked the play

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