Friday 4 June 2010

Visiting Neighbours

...or the cat food is always greener on the other side of the fence.

One cow, 3 calves. Little beauties they are too. They came clambering through the fence and tucked in to my lush scythed lawn ... and the cat food. While we were waiting for the girl to come home I made an effort at fixing the fence, then the three of us shooed 'em out and back into the field.

We've thought about getting cows - we could put them on the common grazing and we might get some grants on the back of them - I've always been a bit reluctant cos I always think of cows as being a bit big and scary - like horses [eeeeek!]. But these are such gentle souls. Mmm.

I've not ben blogging cos I've been focussing on job applications. I had an interview on Wednesday in Inverness which I thought went reasonably OK - (but you can never tell), and I've got interviews on Monday and Thursday of next week. Three applications, three interviews - not bad eh? And then in the middle of all that I've been sent a tender for some consultancy work. Good work too. Busses come to mind.

The house deserves a post unto itself.

In between eating copious rhubarb we've been out visiting neighbours - very keen birdy neighbours. Noting remarkable there, but what is remarkable is that they tell us that there are loads of golden eagles around here - four nest sites within ten miles - and that I am utterly wrong to assume that every big bird of prey I see is a buzzard.
Must look more closely for those fingered wings.

And we have summer......

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