Saturday 1 May 2010


Ah - you see I cannae keep quiet about the election all the time. Interesting pantomime it's turning out to be though. I'll be voting - I feel it's a duty - though in my case, according to this, my vote is only actually worth 6/100ths of a vote. Encouraging eh? What's your vote worth?


townmouse said...

I get half a vote. Although I'm not sure I entirely agree with their reasoning...

Anonymous said...

I only get 0.172 of a vote to try and get rid of Alistair Darling.
I'm not sure I agree with their reasoning either, but I'm even more confused about the fact that although this has been a labour seat for the last three general elections, the same section of the populace has voted in a Conservative MSP on the last two Scottish elections and we've always had a Conservative city councillor.

I'm going to vote tomorrow for the candidate with the closest number of letters in their surname as mine.


Word verification:
'Queny' - someone without a clue about politics.