Monday 1 March 2010

Scaffy van

No bin men today. Regular readers will immediately surmise that we have snow, and they'd be right. But really not much snow at all so I reckon the scaffy van men are on a bit of a skive. In between the snow there's been some glorious sunshine, so all in all quite a nice day really.

I made Boston
Baked Beans at the weekend and discovered that our black treacle was out of date, and as the tin firmly asserts that it must be binned on expiry I thought I'd better use up the rest of it - almost a full tin. Mmmmm I wonder.

[pause while you guess what I used it for]

Pilsner. I've brushed down the brewing kit and I've now got 23 litres of pilsner on the go - using up the remains of the black treacle for the wort. This feels slightly sacrilegious and I'm not at all sure what the dark tones of molasses will do for the beer - but I think it's guaranteed to be 'interesting'.

Tomorrow I have to drive to Inverness for a course - so I'm mildly worried about the prospect of snow in land with the heavy frost forecast for tonight.

Ach - it'll be fine.

1 comment:

townmouse said...

Our bin men made it through the snow. We're obviously made of sterner stuff, down here in the subtropical south west...