Friday 19 March 2010

Pigs in sh*t

Well not pigs exactly. More like us.

Oh dear. We had a blockage in the drains that was discovered when we noticed various unsavoury things littering the garden. Ahem.

So I got to work digging trenches trying to find the inspection hatches in the sewage pipe. Found one and shoved the rods we'd bought for cleaning the chimney down it. And wriggled it about a lot. And nothing happened.

It's 22 metres from the inspection hole to the septic tank - we only had 10 metres of rods - so I dug more trenches looking for another inspection hole. I mean there must be one there - no? well I'll try there. Mmm. Nope.
The next day we were in Thurso anyway seeing a man about a ridiculously complicated grant application, and a tractor, and bought more rods. Excitedly I rushed home to try out my new toy. We now had a full 20 metres of rods shoved down the drains - and eventually it cleared and the weight of the 'water' trying to get to the freedom of the septic tank nearly pulled me over - and nearly sucked the rods out of my hands - which would have been amusing ha ha. But job done. Everything is re-instated and we can flush the loo again.

Fragrance returns.

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