Tuesday 17 February 2009

Supermarket Representative

I'm not a supermarket representative.  

Yesterday Lidl were selling fruit trees at £4.99 each.  Given you should normally expect to pay around £15 - this is cheap.  So along with our two warming pots of Nutella we took a plum tree - just to see.

I'll be amazed if proper trees from a proper nursery flourish up here - but this tree doesn't stand a ha'pe'th of a chance does it?  Still off to plant it now as a warm up to mixing concrete.


Petra said...

just wondering, how do you pronounce the arch-bavarian "Lidl" in English? It sounds godawful enough as it is in German...

The Speaking Goat said...

Well I never knew it was Bavarian! There are two common pronunciations - Leeedle - which is how we say it. Sounds kinda cute I think. And Lidl. Strangely enough. How does it sound in Bavarian?