Monday 9 February 2009

Rebecca The Heroic

We have been delighted to welcome Rebecca to our humble abode this weekend.  She made it, all the way from Auchtermuchty.  The usual route was closed at Crask, so she had to get here via Thurso.  The question now is - will she ever leave?  Although most of the snow has cleared it is very icy (there's solid blocks of ice on the inside of the double glazing this morning).  Once she's on the main roads it'll be OK - but it's the mile or so to the road that's the problem.  In particular there is a 10m stretch of 2 inch thick ice at the top of Paddy's Brae.

Last night Jussi and Rebecca set to mending the goat coats.  You'll notice (from the scant dress) how warm it was in front of the roaring fire.  In fact we recorded a staggering 17.8C at the time this picture was taken.

Our visitors from Dunbar have confirmed their intention to get here.  They've phoned to say they left at 6am this morning and, four hours later, have almost made it to the outskirts of Dunbar.  I hope they were joking.


Lulu Stader said...

Nice picture of the 'sowing club'! So is Rebecca still with you, snowed-in like?

Rebecca said...

Nope, sadly not! Roads were fine, and weather glorious so it was a beautiful drive, with sunglasses essential as the sun dazzled back from the sea and snow. Wonderful!

Rebecca said...

And I should add that the croft brewery is excellent. Very drinkable beer - ample quantities consumed and it didn't hurt a bit.

Lulu Stader said...

Fantastic. Hope there will be some left for us, after all those (other) visitors!

Anonymous said...

Simon it had been a while since I visited. I should stop by more often. Love how you bring us all into your world! thank you for sharing your journey so freely.

The Speaking Goat said...

Aw gee - thanks everyone!

I set off to Thurso shortly after Rebecca and the scenery was stunning! Of course I didn't have my camera.

Lulu - I will NEVER run out of homebrew - and Jussi reckons even the cider is drinkable now.

Marguerite - thanks again. I'm looking forward to when you kick off your slow blog shoes!