Saturday 7 February 2009

Moseying the blogosphere

Since God continues to sneeze into his cocaine, there's little to do* except wander the digital back roads.

Here are a couple of things that've entertained me of late.  This three minute video is astonishing.

I found it through this joyous celebration of the spineless - there are lots of other links worth exploring in it too.  Thanks to Lulu for sending me the link.

In a completely different vein I found this to be a fascinating set of writings.

Meanwhile, as I was lying in bed this morning, I felt waves of smugness washing over me.  Not my smugness you understand, but the smugness of Chelsea Tractor owners who, with all this weather, must be feeling all self-justified about their anti-social ways.  

This invasion of smugness was so pervasive that I had to get up (bedroom temperature 6.1C this morning (42F)) and have a shower.  After the shower I opened the bathroom window while I got dried.  The not so gentle waft of breeze carrying little hail stones was erm invigorating.  I feel cleansed.

*OK - there's lots to do but it's very hard to find the motivation to do it.

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