Monday 1 September 2008

Sunrise 06:16, Sunset 20:15

I've not been checking the sunrise widget often enough and I've missed the point where the sun began to rise after Jussi gets up. The darkness seems to be accelerating. Oh Woe!

I finally have to concede that there'll be no gherkins. This was always going to be a long shot but there's a wee dark brown rabbit that seems to be trapped in the garden and it clearly has a penchant for cucumber plants. If I was really dedicated I'd hunt the rabbit down - but I can't be bothered - the garden is too overgrown. I think this growth is harbouring frogs and toads and maybe even a hedgehog which are keeping the slugs down and I think that to track down the rabbit would require stripping back that undergrowth.

I hope to eat rabbit eventually, but I think I'll need to get a gun and go lamping. There are trap options for rabbit catching, but there's always a chance of getting the wrong species and anyway they are a bit barbaric. Mustn't forget my softie suburban roots.

1 comment:

The Speaking Goat said...

Nice one Chris. Not sure we can afford the carrots though!