Monday 1 September 2008


We got given a few dozen branches of blackcurrant yesterday so Jussi got to work and made us a batch of blackcurrant 'jam'. For 'jam' read 'syrup' - it hasn't set. She made about 6lb of the stuff and it's yummy. This morning breakfast was blackcurrant jaryp (syram?) soaked up on freshly baked wholemeal (with rye and sesame) bread. Scrumilicious.

We've also met our other neighbours at last. They are only here a few weeks in the year as they work to renovate their house and we've missed them the last few times they've been up. They're from thoroughbred Yorkshire farming stock and they plan to keep goats as well. They have done nothing to dispel my opinion that all people with goats are nutters - in fact they wholly reinforce it (we encountered them as they were taking their dog for a walk - in a wheelbarrow). But I like them all the more for it.

That they are planning to keep goats is a boon for us - and we've been particularly looking forward to meeting them because of it. Yesterday we learnt that they have a lifetime of experience with goats - even better. It'll be a couple of years before they move up permanently though.

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