Wednesday 10 June 2009

Cowboys and injuns

When pootling about, alone, laughing out loud, nay even giggling, is a pretty rare thing I think. Well it is for me anyway. But this did verily make me laugh. I mean - what is it? Weeeeell - it be a wigwam, built for my runner beans to climb up. It's held together by baler twine, wont survive the wind, the wood is probably too thick for the beans to use (maybe?? I dunno), and generally probably unfit for purpose. But it was fun making it.

The Lupins came from Lulu last year - doing well eh? As are the tatties, which are now earthed up with marigolds planted between the row - apparently good complementary planting - but Jussi wanted marigolds cos she has big plans to make handcreams.

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