Wednesday 8 October 2008

I understand nothing

Children often have the best answers. This is often exploited by campaign groups who will put a politician in front of children who ask them plain simple questions and refuse to accept obtuse answers.

We are all children when it comes to this financial mess. I understand nothing and I see no reason why we shouldn't scrap the whole dollar-based banking nonsense and return to the good old days of the gold standard. No hang on - let's go a step further - let's not return to the gold standard - that's pre-1970 for heavens sake - that wouldn't be progress would it? No let's create a new standardisation of wealth. Let's make it a Carbon standard - lets base our entire financial system on carbon in the same way as it used to be based on gold.

Suddenly you can make money by saving carbon. Suddenly throwing carbon away - making useless goods - just becomes too expensive to contemplate.

I'm far from the first person to propose something like this - and I think others who've suggested similar stuff understand what they're talking about far better than I do. But hey! - The worlds finances are kaput - it's a great time to sweep it away and start afresh with something that respects the fact that the planet is finite (as is gold, whereas the capacity to print dollars is limitless, or so it seems).

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