Wednesday 9 June 2010

Culinary milestones

The last of the goats to kid this year has kidded. Margo is now the proud mum of two prancing curries which have been named, to keep the botanical theme of the offspring of British Saanens, Spud (standing) and Snowdrop. Finding male botanical names was a bit tricky. I thought of many excellent candidates, but Jussi didn't like them. Pah! Still, with Spud we keep up the link to Trainspotting (last year Rupert was nick-named Sick Boy on account of him being peely-wally). Today, Sick Boy thrives - his favourite pass-time is sticking his head through rylock fencing and getting stuck there - sometimes for hours.

Some of you will notice that this is the second consecutive year that Margo has kidded. She was put in kid this year because she hasn't been milking well and goat keeping wisdom suggests that a second kidding ups the milk yields. Her udders look fit to burst - so much so that she's been milking herself - and the strategy seems to have worked.

Anyway, meet the new arrivals - curries in the making.

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