Saturday 28 November 2009


What with all the flooding everywhere it seems incredibly churlish to complain about the amount of water we've had falling from the sky of late. Everything is getting very wet and it's not nice. The old stable has a slightly leaky roof - we've patched in places and this keeps the water in check most of the time - until the day when we replace the whole roof - but all this rain is beating our repairs. And everything is all rather sodden.

It has been quite windy too. Not madly, just irritatingly. But the thrill is it gave me a chance last week for the first serious use of the anannanonomometer Jussi bought me for my birthday. So, on Wednesday, I measured 20.8 m/s (46 mph, 75 kph, or just gale force 9). And I didn't try particularly hard - just stepped out into the garden which, relatively speaking, is quite sheltered, and compared to many days we've had, it didn't seem all that windy.

My sentences seem to be getting longer. Perhaps the rural isolation is turning me into a rambling bumpkin.



Nick said...

So what, with a wind like that, are you going to be able to grow in your garden (apart from goats)come the great change? Only roots and very heavy vegetables, surely. Marrows, perhaps, since they also like a lot of water. For sure climate change is going to have to make us think differently.

Jo said...

I haven't managed to get to the allotment since I can remember. All this rain is starting to get me down, and when it's not raining the wind takes over.

The Speaking Goat said...

I'm kinda rained off the garden just now - which is a pain cos there's things that need lifting - artichokes, parsnips and leeks that are feeble in comparison to yours Jo!

But no marrows - too fragile for up here.