Friday 27 November 2009

A home for Hugo

There are all kinds of reasons why sometimes I don't manage to blog. Sometimes it's because I want to say something but can't quite figure out how to say it, sometimes it's cos I don't feel like it, sometimes it's cos there's nothing to say, sometimes there's too much to say...etc. Anyway I've been off-line recently for all the above. Of all the things I've omitted to blog of late there are two spectacularly significant events.

Firstly the completion of the lean-to - started with such urgency way back when. Here it is - labouring by yours truly, block work by Malc, magnificent holes by Christian, frame design and build and doors by Jussi. It's big, it's warm its glorious and we built it ourselves. Those who have known Jussi long enough might recognise Warrender-Park-Road-Bathroom-Blue. Funny how those old tins of paint get used up eventually.

It's first job is to house Hugo - an old timer we've borrowed to 'cover' the goatlings, and a couple of last years first time mums who aren't milking as well as we hoped (and it also puts them out of synch with the others so that we don't get overwhelmed with kids like we did last year). Anyway - as you can see Hugo is a bit of a toothless old sod. A character through and through. But pure Anglo Nubian and hopefully soon to be father to a handsome clutch of kids.

And hopefully soon to be returned to his adoring owner - cos MAN he stinks, and everyone who comes into contact with him stinks, and the house stinks ..... and Rebecca is coming to see us this weekend. Unfortunately I think we omitted to warn her...


Rebecca said...

Hmmm, you've given the game away now though. Guessing this is beyond your average "odour neutraliser". Clothes peg?

The Speaking Goat said...

Oh yes. Clearly I deliberately wrote that to warn you. Maybe it's too late to warn you about the lurgy though.

And while I'm here - apologies to apostrophe apostles - I'm pretty sure "It's first job.." is incorrect and suspect it should have read "Its first job" or maybe not?..

KitYule said...

The rule seems to be that the apostrophe is never used with possessive pronouns:

his, hers, its, ours, yours, theirs

But it is used with 'one': One's trousers do reek of goat, rather.

The Speaking Goat said...

Thanks Chris....

Poppy said...

I love the photo of your big toothy male... I've just found your blog and am enjoying the read.

I have AN's and would love to run-a-way!

Poppy said...

*That should be "tooth-less", the report I'm writing is going that way too ;)