Saturday 19 July 2008


There have been some delays. Most importantly, the goats are delayed. I just had a call from a new goat-keeping friend to say that there's an outbreak of TB in goats so movement may be restricted for a while. So - no goats tomorrow.

The joiner was coming to put a new roof on the stable yesterday, but he got delayed because he had to finish off something else first. He offered to do it today, but he was keen to go to the Caithness Show in Thurso and I didn't have the heart to make him work instead, especially since the goats are not coming yet. He'll be here on Monday (fingers crossed).

The fencing, of course is not done yet either, but at least the materials are here and everything is ready to go as soon as the grant application is put in and approved. That's assuming I can get hold of the fencer.

Meanwhile, I've started clearing up the main stable. I've moved all the wood I (and the previous owner) had hoarded in there, taken out all the mucky stuff and started on brushing off the walls. It's starting to look good and it's a cracking Plan B if the roofing is delayed some more. And I have restored power to the croft! Simon's demolition work had left a lot of the wiring frayed, but now it's all lovely and safe again. The joiner will be pleased when (if?) he turns up. And I can use my new power-washer to clean the stables!

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