Thursday 30 April 2009

Je baguette une Munro

Lulu and Helen were here at the weekend - highly significant because my kid feeding duties were relaxed AND I hardly ever stepped foot in the kitchen. Joy. This caused more slow blogging - mainly because Lulu left me with 472 photos from which to try to select some for the blog. Hard work!

On Monday we scaled Ben Hope. My first Munro and about time too. A good day - if a little cold and foggy at the top (and we hardly ever got any views looking east towards home - technically we should have been able to see our house - but not from inside a cloud).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shame about the view lost at the top, but 'Hope' you enjoyed yourself. doesn't have to be a munro for spectacular views, tho. Have you been up Stac Pollaig yet? Only 2000ft.
Only climb munros on cloudy days if the clouds are low, then you pop out into the sun at the top - magical panarama.


'Chant' - um ..... that's not meant to happen?