Thursday 10 September 2009


Last night, on the BBC news, this date was described as a palindrome. It is not. 90909 is a palindrome but who gives the zero to the month if they're not giving it to the day? But I'm not about to get the green ink out. Bah humbug.

Saturday was mainly wet and horrid. I've spent some time trying to upload a video to entertain you on your horrid days but YouTube is giving me jip and now the weather has improved I've given up.

Yesterday a man from the ministry came out and measured our fields. Apparently they are smaller than they were when he measured them a few months ago. Every year we have to fill in a form saying how big our fields are as part of claiming a grant to help po' marginal farmers like us. We don't get the grant ever - because no one applied for a grant in 2006. Makes sense huh? But we still have to complete the grant form because eventually they'll shift the base line year and if we haven't applied for a grant in the base line year, irrespective of whether or not we get a grant in the new base line year, we'll not get a grant. I hope you're following all this.

Honestly - it's enough to drive you to sheep farming. Crofters who keep sheep are fond of telling you how busy they are. I've often wondered what keeps them so busy - as actually you don't see them out all that often (usually at odd times at the weekend). I now realise that they are busy filling in forms.

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