Monday 12 May 2008

Washing underwear in public

I've dug the third plot in the garden. It's the biggest plot I've done and it took less than half a day, whereas the other two took several days each. Why?
  • It's dryer - the soil is lighter - I was even able to use a shovel for shovelling rather than the spade I've had to use the rest of the time.
  • Maybe the dog rose roots have kept the soil lighter too? Pulling them out was fairly easy.
  • Obviously I'm so much stronger and fitter than I was the last time (despite there being no boot camp).
  • I'd just had a huge row with Jussi. This greatly increased my work-rate.
So we have a third plot that I'll plant next week and hope we'll get a second lot of stuff in late summer.

In the other plots, the sprouts and the carrots are germinating. I've all but given up hope over the 4 years after use by date broad beans.

1 comment:

Petra said...

Digging plots IS bootcamp! No doubt about it! I'm sure you could out-dig all of us...