Wednesday 3 November 2010


Deer kill.

Deer are an increasing problem on the roads around here. And they are dangerous. Sheep are more or less predictable when they are on the roads - and at least they do their best to get out of the way. Whereas sheep run for their lives - deer have a predilection for attempting to confuse predators by jumping across their path - and this is what makes them so dangerous.

So deer jump in front of cars rather than away from them. If you survive that impact the danger is that the deer has come in through the windscreen and the occupants are then kicked to death as said injured deer, somewhat understandably, panics.

Over the last couple of years the number of deer around the roads has increased dramatically. At the same time the big shooting estates are reporting sudden falls in deer numbers - partly because of last years severe winter - and this is affecting their income streams. But around here people fear for their lives driving at night.

I was at a community council meeting last night and a conversation has been had with a Head Honcho in the Deer Management Group who are responsible for looking after the deer in this area. I'll not name the woman concerned, but she seems to be responsible for running quite a large shootin' estate in the area as well - so there may be some conflict of interest there? Maybe?

The concerns of residents were put to her.

She said - well people shouldn't be driving fast along those roads anyway
The meeting said - aw fae fucks sake

She said - People could always put up electric fences, or deer fences
The meeting said - And aye - who's paying for that?

She said - Hanging unwanted CDs from trees can act as a deterrent
The meeting said nothing. Mouths were agape however.

The meeting gathered itself into a lather. Uproar - this is what we are up against - here we are with a life threatening issue, quite apart from the destruction of crofts and gardens and here is this arrogant woman (the language has been tempered to spare your delicate disposition dear readers) spouting utter ****** ***** ** ** ****** *** ** ****. The anger was very real, as is the threat, and the incompetence... and the arrogance.


Sarah said...

But surely, from the estate's point of view, deer getting killed by cars rather than being shot by paying guests is a Bad Thing?

Now the issue has been raised with the estate, and nothing is to be done about it, does that give the next driver's insurers a chance?

townmouse said...

There's a simple solution here. All drivers on your road need to be accompanied, world leader style, with outriders of speeding hoorays, armed with rifles, blasting deer out of the way. A little inconvenient to arrange if you were just nipping out to the shops, but what fun for the Hoorays and safety for the locals...

The Speaking Goat said...

Yes indeedy - a fine plan, although I was at another meeting last night where this was discussed again and it was suggested that it was the lady in question who should be shot......

Rebecca said...

This won't be a new issue, so people may well have tried this one, but the best advice I could get was that the best people to voice concerns over road safety and deer are based in SNH (the old Deer Commission). And this might be interesting reading ( And there are deer management contacts who'll be able to give advice. Hopefully better than your woman at the meeting.

"Therc" the sound your passenger makes, pointing out the deer that you're just about to hit.